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    September 15, 2024

    Pick up: September 15th, 11 am - 1 pm.

    @Waimea Shingon Mission


    ★ Indian Curry Bowl (With Rice) $12


    ★ A la carte(NO Rice)


    small $8 or LARGE $12


    ☆Presale only☆ 

    Please call or Email us!


    Waimea Shingon Mission

    Tel: 808-338-1854

    Email: waimeashingon@gmail.com


    Location: 9770A Pule Road, Waimea, Kauai

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    Waimea Shingon Mission

    ワ イ メ ア 真 言 寺

    Odaishisan of KAUAI

  • Try click icon! Connect With Us.

    Live and recorded services on our YouTube channel and Facebook page.

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    Waimea Shingon Mission

    YouTube channel

    Please subscribe us!

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    Waimea Buddhist Ministers association


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    Our T-shirts and goods are available

    on our Etsy store.

    These are made for our Fundraising.

    When you buy, you are our supporter already!


    You can buy as a guest for Etsy.

  • Services and Activities

    According to the teaching of Buddha,

    “Buddha’s main job is to take away suffering and give us comfort.” 


    Please receive the kindness and compassion of the Buddha and Kobo Daishi and spend happy good life.


    Namu Daishi Henjo Kongo


    Sunday Service & Services


    Monthly Second Sunday service :

    Please join us! Or, please watch our YouTube channel.



    September 8th, 2024 @ 9:00~ Second Sunday Service

    October 13th, 2024 @ 9:00~ Second Sunday Service


    Please contact us! (808) 338-1854 or use the form below.




    Bon Dance 2024!

    We held our Bon Dance at August 2 & 3, 2024. Thank you so much!!!







    2024 KAUAI Bon Dance Schedule

    June 7-8 Waimea Higashi Hongwanji Mission

    June 14-15 No Bon Dance

    June 21-22 Kauai Soto Zenshuji

    June 28-29 No Bon Dance

    July 5-6 No Bon Dance (Fourth of July Weekend)

    July 12-13 West Kauai Hongwanji Mission

    July 19-20 Lihue Hongwanji Mission

    July 26-27 Kapaa Hongwanji Mission

    August 2-3 Waimea Shingon Mission




    Please stay healthy!



    Please contact us! (808) 338-1854 or waimeashingon@gmail.com

    ※All schedule dates and times are subject to change.


    • Full moon Meditation

      ・Every Full moon night (NO June and July)

    : Please ask! Call 338-1854 or Email: waimeashingon@gmail.com


    Meditation lecture: At Waimea Shingon Mission


       Meditation: At Waimea Pier


    • Goma Fire Ritual

      ・4th Sunday or 28th 7:00 a.m.


    • Calligraphy class

      ・2nd & 4th Tuesday 3:00 p.m.(Please ask)


    • Shakyo (Hand copying the Sutra) class

      ・2nd & 4th Tuesday 3:00 p.m.(Please ask)


    • Dharma (Buddhism) class

      ・ (Please ask)


    • Goeika (Japanese Buddhist song) Hymns class

      ・ (Please ask)


    • Community Clean up

      ・ (Please ask)

    Services (Services, Prayers and Blessings)

    Please feel free to contact us. (808) 338-1854 or waimeashingon@gmail.com


    • Monthly Second Sunday Services
    • New year's Day Service
    • New Year’s Blessing (January 1st~3rd )
    • Kauai Buddhist Council Service
    • Waimea Buddhist Council Service
    • Shingon Mission of Hawaii Service
    • Bedside Visitation (Hospital/Home)
    • Infant Name Presentation
    • Dedication Service
    • Wedding Service
    • Blessing (House / Person / Car / Baby / Shop / Restaurant / Boat / Pet / Party, etc.. )
    • Goma Fire Ritual
    • Morning prayer (Every morning)
    • Memorial Services
    • Funeral Service



    Any additional services will be announced on our notice board and on our website.

  • Namu Daishi Henjo Kongo

    About Shingon Buddhism

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    Shingon Buddhism


    Shingon Buddhism is a form of Mahayana Buddhism that was established in the early ninth century in Japan by Kobo Daishi [Kukai] or, Odaishisama (774-835). These teachings were brought by Kobo Daishi to Japan after he journeyed to Tang Dynasty China to receive them.

    This type of Buddhism is also called Mikkyo, or esoteric Buddhism. Originating in India, these teachings were first brought to China and later to Tibet. Shingon Buddhism preserves a unique form of esoteric Buddhism based on Chinese and Indian antecedents.

    The word "Shingon" is a translation of the Sanskrit word "mantra." Shingon Buddhism places great emphasis on mantras, both to be chanted and visualized.

    Shingon Buddhism has had a tremendous influence on Japanese religion, culture, and history. Anyone interested in Japanese civilization or in personal spiritual cultivation will find much of interest in Shingon Buddhism.

    There are approximately 10 million followers of Shingon Buddhism in Japan today, and Koyasan is one of the main centers of the school, attracting many tourists, visitors, pilgrims, and religious devotees.


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    Koyasan Shingon Buddhism


    Koyasan Shingon Buddhism is one of 18 schools in the Shingon sect of Japanese Buddhism.


    With *Kobo Daishi's mausoleum at Okunoin in Mount Koya as the source of faith and Danjo Garan as a place of study, the teachings and traditions of Shingon esoteric Buddhism are passed down to today.


    Kobo Daishi's mausoleum

    The sacred place where Kobo Daishi entered eternal meditation


    Koyasan Kongobuji headquarters is located on Mt. Koya in Wakayama-prifecture, Japan.

    In 2004, Mt. Koya was registered as a UNESCO World Heritage site.










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    Koyasan Shingon Mission of Hawaii


    In 1915, this nonprofit organization, now operating as Koyasan Shingon Mission of Hawaii, was established to govern the 12 Koyasan Shingon Member Missions residing on four Hawaiian Islands.












    Oahu    ・Liliha真言寺(Shingonji),




    Maui   ・Lahaina法光寺(Hokoji),



    Hawaii   ・Hilo法眼寺(Hooganji),




    Kauai    ・Waimea真言寺(Shingonji)

  • 南 無 大 師 遍 照 金 剛

      About us

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    About Waimea Shingon Mission

    Name of Teaching: Shingon Shu (Sect)


    Name of School: Koyasan Shingon mission

    (Koyasan Shingon Mission of Hawaii)

    Headquarter of Japan: Kongobuji Temple (Mt. Koya, Wakayama, Japan)


    Head Office of Hawaii: Hilo Hooganji Mission (Big island)


    Founder: Kukai (or Kobo Daishi or Odaishisama)

    弘法大師 空海、お大師さま


    Object of Reverence: Kukai (or Kobo Daishi or Odaishisama)



    “Namu Daishi Henjo Kongo”



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    History of Waimea Shingon Mission

    *January 1908, Faithful followers of Kobo-Daishi in Waimea area of Kauai planned to worship. A small temple was completed in june 1908 and was named Waimea Daishido.

    *The property on which this temple is situated was purchased in 1925. January 31, 1926, dedication service of a new temple and living quarter were held.

    *May 4, 1928, a official name of Waimea Shingonji was granted by the Koyasan Shingon Mission Head Temple in Japan.

    *At the end of the war in August 1945, Reverend with the members and Gold Star Mothers initiated to build a replica of the Shikoku 88 Buddha Monuments and a memorial tower. December 21, 1946, a special service dedication service was held to enshrine the Hachiju-hachi kasho (Copy of Shikoku 88 pilgrimage, Buddha Monuments ) and the memorial tower.

    *March 23, 1976, unfortunate fire destroyed the entire temple and facilities.

    *August 28, 1978, it was incorporated as Waimea Shingon Mission.

    *March 10-11, 1979, a dedication ceremony of the new temple and facilities, together with the 75th Anniversary Commemoration Service were held.

    *August 2005, Started a project to restore the damaged Hachiju-hachi kasho(88 Buddha Monuments).

    *May 4, 2008, the 100th Anniversary Commemorative Service and the dedication of the new 88 Buddha Monuments are held.

    *October 14, 2018, the 110th Anniversary Commemorative Service is held.

    Currently the only Shingon sect temple on Island of Kauai.


    1908(明治41)年に、サトウキビ大農園で重労働に耐えていた日系移民の心のよりどころとしてワイメア大師堂が建てられた。1925(大正14)年に信徒は土地を購入し、新しく堂宇を建て、1928(昭和3)にワイメア真言寺となった。戦後1946(昭和21)年に新四国八十八ヶ所が建てられた。1976(昭和51)年に本堂と庫裡が火事で全焼し、本堂は1979(昭和54)年に再建された。1978(昭和53)にWaimea Shingon Missionとなり、2008(平成20)年に100周年記念法会と新・砲弾型新四国八十八ヶ所の開眼法要が行われ、2018年に110周年を迎えた。


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    About monument of the Shikoku 88 pilgrimage

    The most remarkable feature of this temple is outside, and you would have seen it immediately upon your arrival. Even if the temple hall is closed, you can do the Shikoku pilgrimage by walking past the eighty eight markers lining the grounds. the temple is well-known for its replica pilgrimage route consisting of concrete monuments cast in the shape of artillery shells. These were made in 1945 by members and Gold star Mothers to commemorate those who had lost their lives in the war. Each monument is numbered, and inside a hollow space is a miniature Buddhist image. Since the concrete used right after the war was not of the highest quality and many of the monuments deteriorated, new ones were made from 2005 to 2008 and installed in front of the originals.



    88 Pilgrimage site in Hawaii (Please contact before visit!)


    Hawaii island (Big island)

    ・Paauilo Shingon Mission



    ・Kula Shingon Mission



    ・Waimea Shingon Mission

    ・Lawai International Center

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    この88ヶ所はお墓ではなく慰霊碑で、施主は当時のメンバーや戦争によって亡くなった方の親族や家族です。当時、アメリカ軍の兵士になった日系人がたくさんいましたが、彼らは日本との戦いを望んでいませんでした。そのため、この砲弾の形には No more war という願いが込められています。



    白色の88ヶ所は2008年のWaimea Shingon Mission100周年記念として、2005から約4年かけて銀色の旧八十八ヶ所の前に建てられました。







    ・Paauilo金剛寺境内(Paauilo Shingon Mission)



    ・Kula祥福寺堂内(Kula Shingon Mission)



    ・Waimea真言寺境内(Waimea Shingon Mission)

    ・Lawai大師堂跡一帯(Lawai International Center)

  • Be a Member Today!

    Please Download your membership signup form from here!



    Gojikai (Waimea Shingon Mission Membership)

    The spreading of the Shingon teaching requires the commitment of its membership. All activities of individuals, affiliated organizations, and members help in this common task.

    Each member, as an individual or head of household, is required to pay dues to support this ongoing effort.


    Please use mailing address below. 


    Waimea Shingon Mission

    P.O.Box 488


  • Be a SUPPORTER Today!

    We are appreciate to your warming donation. Giving is a principle that when lived by, produces a rich harvest in our lives. Consider donating and join the wonderful community of our temple supporters. Your giving is making a difference in this temple, our community, and the world.


    Please use mailing address below.


    Waimea Shingon Mission

    P.O.Box 488


  • Email

    If you have any question, Please fell free to Email us.


    We like you come!!

    Please feel free to visit us!


    9770-A Pule Rd,
    Waimea, Hawaii 96796


    Email:  waimeashingon@gmail.com